Sunday, May 4, 2008

my last 4 weeks

not a ton of blog-worthy things happening lately (or just not enough time to blog it)
Here's what I am doing:

working full-time
commuting 80 miles round trip every day to work
keeping an eye out for old bikes
celebrating Whitney's college graduation
planning our wedding
waiting for Mario Kart for my Wii to arrive
waking up early
becoming a member of fellowship in the pass
learning how to play electric guitar (like John Mayer does)
catching up on seminary home work (I'm really behind)
waiting to be married
not blogging a lot



carsonbelmont said...

Those all sound like fun things...well maybe not everything but lots of it. I bet mario kart on wii is amazing.

treverhoehne said...

love that shot bro. miss ya!