Wednesday, April 16, 2008

i moved

The boys and I had to move out of Parkside Village because our rent was up. Kathy and Curtis Kauffman graciously offered me a room at their house in Cherry Valley. I am so thankful for them and letting me live here.

I had a bad experience once where I was offered a room for one summer... it was pretty miserable to say the least. Cherry Valley is different. Here's my new room

Thanks Kauffmans


carsonbelmont said...

Nice set up!

Justin Blomgren said...

sweet man, dude it was good being with you again... that one weekend. haha

carly said...

hahaha. i'm so happy for you. your last experience was horrible.
two questions:
do they run their Ac
how many people are sharing your bathroom/ is the door knob broken???

the McWhorters said...

AC - haven't needed it yet, I'll let you know.

bathroom - just curtis and the knob works