Saturday, February 16, 2008

she said yes

the ring

well, i'm engaged
(i have some pictures of the night that i'll post soon)


treverhoehne said...

Sleeping in a bunk-bed with 4 other guys in the same room + eating frozen pizza for a year= A ROCK! I see your strategy. haha. so proud of you man!

Zack!!! said...

CONGRATS!!! Oh man I'm so pumped for the two of you. Well done my friend, well done :)

RobinDayle said...

Yay! Congrats Jon...the ring is beautiful, just like your fiancee. :-)

carsonbelmont said...

Sorry it took me so long to comment but I was hanging out with some friends of mine who just got engaged. Oh by the way, Congratulations, you beat me to it.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you guys! Thanks for letting us be apart of Whitney Weekend, we had a great time. Love you guys...

Melissa said...

OMG!!!!!!! Awwwww I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! Or as the Japanese say 婚約おめでとう。

Something Utterly Amazing.. said...

congrats!!! what a beautiful girl you have. i love the joy in your face from al the pics. you truly are happy! congrats...say hi to the fam for me.
